We Repair & Restore Jewelry & Restore Watches & Recut Gems
Repair/Restore Jewelry
From a bent or broken prong to a cracked ring, Steve will inspect and diagnose the best available options to ensure your jewelry is properly repaired so it can be worn again with confidence.
Jewelry Restoration is for pieces that need more care and time than that of routine repair. This challenging yet rewarding undertaking is preformed in-house by Steve himself.
Repair/Restore Watches
Over time, watches will inevitably undergo wear and tear. This wear and tear can affect the functionality of a watch and impacts its ability to maintain accurate time. JBH can help you repair your new/vintage watch to working order or even preform a full restoration.
Steve is also able to preform modifications to existing watches, like transforming a wind-up to battery powered. If you're unsure of the work a piece might need, don't hesitate to reach out and ask a question!
Diamond/Gem Recutting
If you have a cracked family stone or something new that was chipped/broken, JBH can recut your diamond or gemstone to make it like new again. Jewel Box Hawaii can also repurpose mother’s, grandmother’s, and auntie’s old jewelry into something that you actually want to wear. Steve will deconstruct and create a new look for gems and metals that you already own. Or maybe your stone/gem just doesn't have the life it once had. Let Steve bring your piece back to life with stunning brilliance.